Stanisław Rospond (językoznawca)



Stanisław Rospond (December 19, 1906 – October 16, 1982) was a Polish linguist, and professor at the
University of Wroclaw A university () is an institution of higher (or tertiary) education and research which awards academic degrees in several academic disciplines. Universities typically offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. In the United States, th ...


* Jan Miodek, ''Stanisław Rospond'', :''Odpowiednie dać rzeczy słowo'', Wrocław 1987 (za ). * Bogdan Siciński, ''Stanisław Rospond'', :''Uczeni wrocławscy'', Wrocław (za ). 1906 births 1982 deaths Writers from Kraków Linguists from Poland Polish lexicographers 20th-century linguists Academic staff of the University of Wrocław 20th-century lexicographers {{Poland-linguist-stub